Display 1721 - 1760 hits of 7428.
R-pmml | 1.2.29-1 | noarch | Generate PMML for various models | Mandrake Other |
R-png | 0.1_4-1 | i586 | Read and write PNG images | Mandrake Other |
R-polspline | 1.1.5-1 | i586 | Polynomial spline routines | Mandrake Other |
R-polycor | 0.7_8-1 | noarch | Polychoric and Polyserial Correlations | Mandrake Other |
R-prabclus | 2.2_2-1 | noarch | Functions for clustering of presence-absence, abundance and | Mandrake Other |
R-preprocessCore | 1.16.0-1 | i586 | A collection of pre-processing functions | Mandrake Other |
R-proto | 0.3_9.2-1 | i586 | Prototype object-based programming | Mandrake Other |
R-proxy | 0.4_7-2 | i586 | Distance and Similarity Measures | Mandrake Other |
R-pscl | 1.04.1-1 | i586 | Political Science Computational Laboratory, Stanford Univers | Mandrake Other |
R-psych | 1.2.1-1 | i586 | Procedures for Psychological, Psychometric, and Personality | Mandrake Other |
R-qgraph | 1.0.1-1 | i586 | Network representations of relationships in data | Mandrake Other |
R-quadprog | 1.5_4-1 | i586 | Functions to solve Quadratic Programming Problems | Mandrake Other |
R-quantreg | 4.76-2 | i586 | Quantile Regression | Mandrake Other |
R-R2HTML | 2.2-1 | i586 | HTML exportation for R objects | Mandrake Other |
R-rae230a.db | 2.6.3-1 | noarch | Affymetrix Rat Expression Set 230 annotation data (chip rae2 | Mandrake Other |
R-rae230aprobe | 2.9.0-1 | noarch | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type rae230a | Mandrake Other |
R-RandomFields | 2.0.54-1 | i586 | Simulation and Analysis of Random Fields | Mandrake Other |
R-randomForest | 4.6_6-1 | i586 | Breiman and Cutler\'s random forests for classification and | Mandrake Other |
R-randomSurvivalForest | 3.6.3-1 | i586 | Random Survival Forests | Mandrake Other |
R-RANN | 2.1.3-1 | i586 | Fast Nearest Neighbour Search | Mandrake Other |
R-RArcInfo | 0.4_12-1 | i586 | Functions to import data from Arc/Info V7.x binary coverages | Mandrake Other |
R-rattle | 2.6.16-1 | i586 | Graphical user interface for data mining in R | Mandrake Other |
R-rbenchmark | 0.3-1 | noarch | Benchmarking routine for R | Mandrake Other |
R-RBGL | 1.30.1-1 | i586 | An interface to the BOOST graph library | Mandrake Other |
R-Rcmdr | 1.8_3-1 | i586 | R Commander | Mandrake Other |
R-RColorBrewer | 1.0_5-1 | noarch | ColorBrewer palettes | Mandrake Other |
R-Rcompression | 0.93_2-1 | i586 | In-memory decompression for GNU zip and bzip2 formats | Mandrake Other |
R-Rcpp | 0.9.10-1 | i586 | Seamless R and C++ Integration | Mandrake Other |
R-Rcsdp | 0.1_41-1 | i586 | R interface to the CSDP semidefinite programming library | Mandrake Other |
R-RCurl | 1.91_1-1 | i586 | General network (HTTP/FTP/...) client interface for R | Mandrake Other |
R-relations | 0.6-2 | i586 | Data Structures and Algorithms for Relations | Mandrake Other |
R-relevent | 1.0-1 | i586 | Relational Event Models | Mandrake Other |
R-relimp | 1.0_3-1 | noarch | Relative Contribution of Effects in a Regression Model | Mandrake Other |
R-reshape | 0.8.4-1 | noarch | Flexibly reshape data | Mandrake Other |
R-rgdal | 0.7_8-3 | i586 | Bindings for the Geospatial Data Abstraction Library | Mandrake Other |
R-rgenoud | 5.7_3-1 | i586 | R version of GENetic Optimization Using Derivatives | Mandrake Other |
R-rgeos | 0.2_2-3 | i586 | Interface to Geometry Engine - Open Source (GEOS) | Mandrake Other |
R-rggobi | 2.1.17-1 | i586 | Interface between R and GGobi | Mandrake Other |
R-rgl | 0.92.798-1 | i586 | 3D visualization device system (OpenGL) | Mandrake Other |
R-Rglpk | 0.3_8-1 | i586 | R/GNU Linear Programming Kit Interface | Mandrake Other |